Dear killifriends
We would like to invite you to our killishow that will take place in Alpedrete (Madrid) on September 13, 14 and 15. This year it has been impossible to do it on other dates due to problems with the organization location. It could only be done on that date and we were forced to accept. Otherwise, we would have had to cancel the convention this year. We regret the problems it may cause to other associations or friends who plan to attend.
We would be very happy if you could join us those days. Unfortunately we cannot receive killifish by mail as the laws have been tightened in recent times, but we appreciate if a member of your association comes to send us some pairs for our show.
All the information is in the attached file that I am sending you. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will contact you as soon as possible.
We will be happy to see you in Alpedrete.
Best regards,
Merche Gonzalez
SEK International Relations